Book Publishing
How it’s done
The processes of writing a book and self-publishing it as a paperback or an ebook are two very different things.
The best avenue for self-publishing is via Amazon’s KDP platform. But turning a manuscript into a fully typeset book for each of these media is an involved task.
We appreciate the considerable time and effort that goes into writing a book, and we understand that you’ll accordingly wish even a self-published book to have a highly professional appearance.
We can help you, by taking care of every aspect of turning your manuscript into a published print and ebook.
We examine best-selling books from large publishers, and make sure that the books we format follow very similar patterns.
We pay meticulous attention to typesetting. We choose fonts carefully. We can embed drop capitals and decorative dividers. Your copyright and other introductory pages will look correct.
We do the same thing they do, only at much less expense and with you taking more of the revenue.
Just provide the manuscript…
Editing and proofreading
Aside from typesetting and formatting your book, we can optionally edit and proofread it as well.
In collaboration with you, we will edit to the degree you request: we can optimise sentences, paragraphs and pages, and even suggest refinements to the overall approach. We’ll work together to ensure your manuscript is the best it can be.
When proofreading, we will examine your text very closely and perform multiple readings, getting back to you with all and any typographical mistakes we’ve found and suggesting fixes. (This service is automatically included when we produce an audiobook.)
In summary
You do the writing, we’ll do everything else to bring your book to market: the typesetting, the table of contents, the cover design and all of the integration with Amazon. Just get in touch with us.